Step 1.
Get five copies of Application and Agreement (A&A) form
along with Abridged Conditions of Supply free of cost from the
following places:
Subdivisional Offices.
Customer Service Centers.
Download now.
Step 2.
Fill up all five copies of A&A form A, B, C, D & E
and desposit alongwith one copy of Abridged Conditions
of Supply and following supporting documents:
Properity or owner-ship proof (Registry)
Consumer Electricity Bill of any premises adjacent to the applied for premises.
Wiring Test Report for all Connections other then Domestic.
An Affidavit that no connection exited previously at the premsis
on which you are applying for a new connection and that you would pay
WAPDA/IESCO dues in respect of connection which already existed at the premsis
now applied for if noticed later.
Owner's National Identity Card (photocopy).
Photocopy of Witness's National Identity Card.
"No Objection Certificate" from the landlord if
the applicant is tenant along with landlord's proof of owner-ship and
affidavit mentioned above.
For companies incorporated under companies ordinance 1984
Printed copy of memorandum and articles of association, along with attested certificate of incorporation.
Resolution of the company authorizing a person signing (A&A) form.
Note : All photocopies are to be attested
Lumpsum Charges for New General Service Connections Under Tariff A-I and A-II
Single Phase service connection (Rural) with 2 Core 10 sq mm PVC |
Length of service line up-to and including 40 meters
Length of service line 41-100 meters (with one span of Ant Conductor and one pole/structure)
Length of service line 101-160 meters (with one span of Ant Conductor and two poles/structures)
Single Phase service connection (Urban) with 2 Core 10 sq mm PVC
Length of service line up-to and including 40 meters
Length of service line 41-100 meters(with one span of Ant Conductor and one pole/structure)
Length of service line 101-160 meters (with one span of Ant Conductor and two poles/structures)
Three Phase service connection (Both Urban & Rural) with 4 Core 10 sq mm PVC
Length of service line up-to and including 40 meters
Length of service line 41-100 meters(with one span of Ant Conductor and one pole/structure)
Length of service line 101-160 meters (with one span of Ant Conductor and two poles/structures)
Length of service line 160-280 meters (with one span of Ant Conductor and two poles/structures)
Note: Demand Notice will be issued on actual material cost for more distances
Rates are subject to change as per change in policy
hile submitting don't
forget to get Application
Number for reference.
nd within 15 days you
will get Demand Notice
by registered post or
you can get it from
Subdivision office.
lease deposit money
only in local area bank
branch for quick
on't forget to deposit
Demand Notice within
Due Date or application
will be cancelled due to
nd within next 15 days
your Meter will be
Amount in Rs.
+ Rs.200 per meter
+ Rs.250 per meter
+ Rs.200 per meter
+ Rs.250 per meter
+ Rs.260 per meter
+ Rs.300 per meter
+ Rs.340 per meter
Registration of application (Same day)
1 day
1 day
Feasibility survey
4 days
7 days
Preparation of estimate
3 days
5 days
Approval of estimate
4 days
4 days
Issue of demand notice and *(deposit)
3 days
3 days
Verification of test report
4 days
6 days
Service order connection
3 days
3 days
Issuance of stores
8 days
9 days
Installation of connection
5 days
7 days
35 days
45 days
*Subject to intime deposit of demand notice by you.
Cost of transformer is not included in the lumpsum charges.
Where an independent transformer or augmentation of existing transformer is
involved the same will be provided as per existing instructions.
Demand notice is issued strictly after measuring the distance
from the feasible LT supply point upto the place of meter.
A prospective consumer covered under lumpsum charges policy should deposit
amount as given irrespective of the cost and quantity of material installed.
In case of extension in sanctioned load, difference of cost in both
categories will be charged.
The lumsum charges policy is only for overhead system.
Please ensure that if service connection length is more than 40 meters
requisite number of poles are installed. If not, please report the matter.