Islamabad Electric Supply Company
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History of IESCO
Area Electricity Board (AEB) Islamabad was one of the eight AEB's constituted through amendments in WAPDA Act during 1981. Later Government of Pakistan under the Power Sector Restructring Program approved revamping of WAPDA power sector, resultantly twelve corporate entities were formed. Eight Distribution and Supply Companies (DISCOs), one National Transmission and Distribution Company (NTDC) and three Generation Companies (GENCOs). All these companies have been incorporated under Companies Ordinance 1984.
IESCO was incorporated on 25th April, 1998 vide company registration No. L09499 of 1997-98 under section 32 and certificate for commencement of business was obtained on 1st June, 1998 under section 146(2) of Companies Ordinance 1984.
The main objective of the company was to acquire/take over those properties, rights and liabilities of Pakistan, Water and Power Development Authority comprising of administrative division formally known as the Islamabad Area Electricity Board (AEB)and to carry on, expand and extend the business and activities.
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